i've noticed some of wolfteam players are desperate to find out how to kick players out of room.

some reminders: 1)you are sure you're kicking who.don't kick the innocents ones,kick hackers.
these are the steps:
1)in your game,press esc
2)click "kick"(sometimes you cannot press because others are using the kick function too,u try again later)

3)once you press "kick",you will get a window below.

4)you selected the
players who you want to kick.

5)select the right choice.

6)and of course,lastly,press ok.

then a small box would pop-up after you clicked ok.others would see the message and vote by pressing y(for yes) and n(for no).if there's alot y in the vote,the particular person would be automatically kicked out.
anyway,once you kick people,in the vote box,your id will not be shown(that's why so many people dunno who kicked them)should show,right?

there's want stupid person i done nothing wrong he kick me,should have snapshot his username.

  • you can kick anyone though using "force exit" when the game has not started.  
  • You can only kick your own team.if red team kick one of their team members,everybody in the room will receive a box and will get to vote. 
  • You have 10 s to select your choice.  
  • answer by Y or N.


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